msw 模拟api请求 mock service work 使用

msw 模拟api请求 mock service work 使用


如果你开发一个前端产品,只是想用来展示,不想搭建后端。那么部分需要与后端交互就需要mock,msw就是用来mock 后端api请求的


  1. 安装 npm install msw --save-dev

编写 request handle

  1. 编写rest api
    • http.all
    • http.head
    • http.get
    • http.put
    • http.delete
    • http.patch
    • http.options
         // src/mocks/handlers.js
         import { http } from 'msw'
         export const handlers = [
             http.get('/posts', () => {
                 // Response resolver allows you to react to captured requests,
                 // respond with mock responses or passthrough requests entirely.
                 // For now, let's just print a message to the console.
                 console.log('Captured a "GET /posts" request')
    • url上的query

            http.get('/product', ({ request }) => {
                const url = new URL(request.url)
                const productId = url.searchParams.get('id')
                if (!productId) {
                return new HttpResponse(null, { status: 404 })
                return HttpResponse.json({ productId })
    • url上的params

            http.delete('/user/:id', ({ params }) => {
                const { id } = params
                console.log('Deleting user with ID "%s"', id)
    • url 上的body json

            http.put('/post/:id', async ({ request, params }) => {
                const { id } = params
                const nextPost = await request.json()
                console.log('Updating post "%s" with:', id, nextPost)
  2. 编写 graphQL api

  3. response

         http.get('/resource', () => {
             return new Response('Hello world!')
    • response json

  '/auth', () => {
                // Note that you DON'T have to stringify the JSON!
                return HttpResponse.json({
                user: {
                    id: 'abc-123',
                    name: 'John Maverick',
    • mocking error response

            http.get('/user', () => {
                // Respond with "401 Unauthorized" to "GET /user" requests.
            return new HttpResponse(null, { status: 401 })
    • network error

  '/checkout/cart', () => {
                return HttpResponse.error()


  1. 通过浏览器

    • src/mocks/browser.js
         // src/mocks/browser.js
         import { setupWorker } from 'msw/browser'
         import { handlers } from './handlers'
         export const worker = setupWorker(...handlers)
    • src/index.jsx
         // src/index.jsx
         import React from 'react'
         import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
         import { App } from './App'
         async function enableMocking() {
             if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
             const { worker } = await import('./mocks/browser')
             return worker.start()
         enableMocking().then(() => {
             ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootElement)
  2. 通过Node


  1. 高阶解析器-中间件

         // mocks/middleware.js
         import { HttpResponse } from 'msw'
         export function withAuth(resolver) {
         return (input) => {
             const { request } = input
             if (!request.headers.get('Authorization')) {
             return new HttpResponse(null, { status: 401 })
             return resolver(input)
  2. 中间件

         // 所有请求前置
         http.all('*', ({request, params}) => {
             console.debug('=====request===', request.url, params)
             const token = getTokenName(request)
             if(!request.headers.get('Authorization')) {
                 return responseErrorJson('请先登录', 403)
  3. 其他操作
  4. 官方demo