laravel octane 基于docker安装与hyperf,webman性能对比

laravel octane 基于docker安装实践


  1. RoadRunner
    1. 安装扩展 composer require laravel/octane spiral/roadrunner
    2. 安装 RoadRunner 二进制包 ./vendor/bin/rr get-binary
      • 不行的话 加代理,比如我在这里直接加前缀 vendor/spiral/roadrunner-cli/src/Repository/Asset.php:33 代码为 $this->uri = ''. $uri;
  2. Swoole

    前提安装 swoole: pecl install swoole

    1. 安装扩展: composer require laravel/octane
  3. OpenSwoole


  4. 安装到项目中
    1. 生成配置文件等: php artisan octane:install
      1. 选择你的安装的情况 roadrunner or swoole
    2. 开发环境 推荐 ,不然你的watch会报错
      1. apk add nodejs npm
      2. npm config set registry
      3. npm install --save-dev chokidar

二、nginx 配置

    # 默认
    map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
        default upgrade;
        ''      close;

    # 容器内 只能通过upstream方式转发
    upstream backend {
        server php8:8000;

    server {
        listen 80;
        #server_tokens off;

        root /www/backend/public;

        add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN";
        add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff";

        index index.php;

        charset utf-8;

        # 因为不是全栈 所以只是部分path转发 与官方给的默认配置有出入
        location ~* ^/(api|web|horizon|telescope)/ {
            try_files $uri $uri/ @octane;

        # horizon vendor
        location /vendor {
            alias  /www/backend/public/vendor/;

        # fronend 
        location / {
            alias  /www/backend/public/dist/;

        #location /index.php {
        #    try_files /not_exists @octane;

        #location / {
        #    try_files $uri $uri/ @octane;

        location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
        location = /robots.txt  { access_log off; log_not_found off; }

        error_page 404 /index.php;
        location @octane {
            set $suffix "";

            if ($uri = /index.php) {
                set $suffix ?$query_string;

            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
            proxy_set_header Scheme $scheme;
            proxy_set_header SERVER_PORT $server_port;
            proxy_set_header REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

            proxy_pass http://backend$suffix;

        location ~ /\.(?!well-known).* {
            deny all;


  1. 添加Makefile

    fixed 在docker里,host必须绑定到

     # 小心缩进,是Tab,不是空格
     help: ## Display this help screen
         @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
     dev: ## octane start in dev
         php artisan octane:start --watch --workers=4 --task-workers=2 --host= --port=8000
     start: ## octane start in dev
         php artisan octane:start --workers=4 --task-workers=2 --host= --port=8000
     reload: ## octane reload
         php artisan octane:reload
     stop: ## octane stop
         php artisan octane:stop
     run: ## run start by octane on production
         php artisan octane:start --host=
     status: ## show octane status
         php artisan octane:status
     optimize: ## optimize cache and autoload
         composer dump-autoload
         php artisan optimize


  1. 建议参照文档,将命令打包到docker中去


  1. 测试并发,使用wrk

    当前测试不是很严格,部分硬件性能没有完全压榨完全,另外测试是同一台宿主机的两台虚拟机 这次测试主要想看下php阻塞对并发影响,虽然加上了内存模式+非阻塞异步事件IO,业务那块其实还是阻塞的 本来使用ab,不过试了之后,发现ab测试会飘 每个都是测试至少3遍,选其中表现最好的

    1. 环境
      1. 硬件 4核8G
      2. php版本
        1. php-fpm: PHP 8.1.23
        2. octane: PHP 8.1.23
        3. hyperf PHP 8.1.25
        4. webman: PHP 8.1.23,框架的确简陋了点,连个环境变量配置都没有
    2. hello world 组

      • php-fpm static 200

              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     1.26s   190.76ms   1.80s    80.33%
                  Req/Sec    40.61     24.20   333.00     77.16%
              9315 requests in 30.10s, 3.15MB read
              Requests/sec:    309.47
              Transfer/sec:    107.29KB
      • octane swoole

              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency   537.92ms  112.21ms 958.60ms   70.75%
                  Req/Sec    95.31     46.90   380.00     70.21%
              22144 requests in 30.10s, 6.06MB read
              Requests/sec:    735.71
              Transfer/sec:    206.20KB
              # octane 的worker设置到8个,结果不是很理想
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency   581.83ms  167.72ms   1.34s    74.55%
                  Req/Sec    92.64     48.08   410.00     64.35%
              20476 requests in 30.10s, 5.60MB read
              Requests/sec:    680.28
              Transfer/sec:    190.66KB
      • hyperf

              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency    59.98ms   30.18ms 223.07ms   62.56%
                  Req/Sec   842.18    407.92     3.13k    78.64%
              201302 requests in 30.09s, 43.95MB read
              Requests/sec:   6689.38
              Transfer/sec:      1.46MB
      • webman

              # process 8
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     9.89ms    8.71ms 128.72ms   90.04%
                  Req/Sec     5.72k     1.30k   13.28k    58.71%
              1367121 requests in 30.09s, 218.97MB read
              Requests/sec:  45427.13
              Transfer/sec:      7.28MB
              # process 12
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency    10.27ms    8.21ms 120.76ms   85.99%
                  Req/Sec     5.41k     1.45k   13.83k    62.25%
              1295066 requests in 30.10s, 207.43MB read
              Requests/sec:  43031.45
              Transfer/sec:      6.89MB
    3. 本地数据库,通过User Id查询用户信息

      • php-fpm static 200

              wrk -t6 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              6 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     1.18s   134.97ms   1.38s    93.06%
                  Req/Sec   115.95    108.88   370.00     67.72%
              9909 requests in 30.10s, 5.60MB read
              Requests/sec:    329.24
              Transfer/sec:    190.54KB
      • octane swoole

              wrk -t6 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              6 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency   764.12ms  146.47ms   1.24s    73.90%
                  Req/Sec    86.13     35.96   376.00     70.27%
              15351 requests in 30.08s, 8.02MB read
              Requests/sec:    510.35
              Transfer/sec:    272.95KB
              # octane 的worker设置到8个,结果不是很理想
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency   720.49ms  188.45ms   1.58s    81.37%
                  Req/Sec    69.49     31.71   404.00     78.24%
              16474 requests in 30.10s, 8.60MB read
              Requests/sec:    547.30
              Transfer/sec:    292.72KB
      • hyperf

              wrk -t6 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              6 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency   211.14ms   86.29ms 610.61ms   67.81%
                  Req/Sec   314.08     85.60   540.00     66.22%
              56308 requests in 30.07s, 30.12MB read
              Requests/sec:   1872.36
              Transfer/sec:      1.00MB
      • webman

              # process 8
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency    86.96ms   60.02ms   1.03s    84.61%
                  Req/Sec   610.23     84.88     1.23k    76.46%
              146078 requests in 30.09s, 72.15MB read
              Requests/sec:   4854.74
              Transfer/sec:      2.40MB
              # process 12
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency    91.43ms   69.79ms   1.35s    91.84%
                  Req/Sec   584.84     78.12     1.03k    74.83%
              139951 requests in 30.07s, 69.13MB read
              Requests/sec:   4654.85
              Transfer/sec:      2.30MB
    4. 本地数据库,循环查执行一百条查询sql,我观测到cpu hyperf 干到100%,但是 octane_swoole在70%-80%之间

      • php-fpm static 200

              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     0.00us    0.00us   0.00us    -nan%
                  Req/Sec    13.03     11.23    80.00     78.76%
              1144 requests in 30.04s, 662.05KB read
              Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 1144
              Requests/sec:     38.08
              Transfer/sec:     22.04KB
      • octane swoole

              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency   961.31ms  565.22ms   1.99s    57.73%
                  Req/Sec    17.43     12.34    70.00     61.07%
              1297 requests in 30.04s, 693.53KB read
              Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 1200
              Requests/sec:     43.17
              Transfer/sec:     23.08KB
              # octane 的worker设置到8个,结果不是很理想
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     1.07s   559.04ms   1.98s    58.16%
                  Req/Sec    10.78      8.83    69.00     71.53%
              1496 requests in 30.05s, 799.83KB read
              Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 1398
              Requests/sec:     49.78
              Transfer/sec:     26.61KB
      • hyperf

              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     1.29s   434.40ms   1.97s    54.43%
                  Req/Sec    22.56     34.25   420.00     91.90%
              3474 requests in 30.04s, 1.08MB read
              Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 3395
              Non-2xx or 3xx responses: 2176
              Requests/sec:    115.66
              Transfer/sec:     36.81KB
      • webman

              # process 8
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     1.37s   494.45ms   2.00s    64.28%
                  Req/Sec    23.68     15.70   110.00     73.67%
              3453 requests in 30.07s, 1.71MB read
              Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 1734
              Requests/sec:    114.82
              Transfer/sec:     58.07KB
              # process 12
              wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s
              Running 30s test @
              8 threads and 400 connections
              Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
                  Latency     1.33s   453.25ms   2.00s    64.50%
                  Req/Sec    17.77     11.77    80.00     68.64%
              3612 requests in 30.08s, 1.78MB read
              Socket errors: connect 0, read 0, write 0, timeout 1705
              Requests/sec:    120.08
              Transfer/sec:     60.74KB
  2. 结果:
    1. webman的并发效果还是挺不错的,应该是框架很精简的原因吧,不过随着阻塞io的增多,协程模式优势会慢慢体现出来
    2. hyperf的性能的确比octane.swoole的好
    3. 按道理两边都是用Swoole Server 基于非阻塞事件IO,在单查询时,两边响应时长差别不大,但当并发上来后,octane.swoole就有点力不从心了
  3. 原因:
    1. octane.swoole应该时控制器里的逻辑遇到阻塞IO时将整个进程都阻塞导致,因为CPU利用率没打满
  4. Swoole 跟 Roadrunner 区别
    1. Swoole的worker基于进程模式 ,Roadrunner的worker基于线程模式


  1. 解决:
    1. 跟踪CPU负载,如果CPU消耗低于85-95%(持续),再增加worker数。
    2. 建议将不同请求拆分到不同实例上,然后再根据不同响应情况,配置worker数
    3. 将耗时的api拎出来优化,拆分,异步
  2. 总结:
    1. 非阻塞异步事件IO+内存模式在有限的硬件资源里的确可以加快php响应
    2. 传统大部分php组件扩展都是阻塞型的,就算用上了非阻塞事件IO也是会拖慢整个进程或线程响应,没法做到纯协程那样worker数等于cpu核心数,可以适当提高些
    3. 如果使用协程式的框架,后续使用其他扩展时,也需要了解里面是否存在阻塞IO操作